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WeCare Biofuel Interantional Co.,

工程微藻養殖Algae Plantation(3)


UREA 建廠技術轉移



Urea Highlights

*   World production of Urea is 158 million tons per year (2009 figure)

*   The present price of Urea is around 280 US$/t

*   The value of Urea is 45 000 million US$/year

*   Annual increased demand is 3-5 million tons

*   China, Thailand and other Far East countries have a deficit of Urea

*   Raw material for standard Urea plant is Natural gas


EP Urea plant

*   Investment for a standard Urea plant is twice as high as the investment for an EP Urea Plant

*   The EP Urea plant may use natural gas or any other syngas (from gasification) as raw material

*   The EP Urea plant has low or no emission of CO2 and other green house or toxic gases

*   In addition the EP plant has 40% lower operation and 50% smaller equipment cost compared to BAT Urea plants


Some advantages of the first stage EP process are listed below:

  1. Only water/steam is used as feed
  2. Temperature 100-400°C
  3. Not dependent of pressure
  4. Pure Nitrogen is produced
  5. High Space Velocities
  6. Catalyst is recyclable


Some advantages of the second stage EP process are listed below:

  1. Only Methane is used as feed
  2. Temperature 200-400°C
  3. Not dependent of pressure
  4. Pure CO + Hydrogen is produced (syngas)
  5. High Space Velocities
  6. Catalyst is recyclable




Production of Urea is much less expensive with the EP method than any other method used today due to:

  1. Reduced Operational Costs

-       Reduced raw material demand

-       Higher power efficiency

2.       Lower investment

-            Reduced mass flows

-            Reduced number of equipment

3.       Smaller equipment

-            Reduced mass flows

-            Lower temperature


4.    Higher power efficiency

-      Reduced mass flows

-      Lower temperature



5.    Close to zero CO2 emission

-      Produced CO2 used as raw material in urea production

6.    Close to zero emission of other green house gases (as 6 below)

  1. Close to zero emission of toxic gases like NOx and Sox

-            Lower temperature

-            Nitrogen and Oxygen not present during high temp reactions



Investment and operational costs

*   Basis for the operational cost is a natural gas price of 200 US$/t

*   6% interest over 10 years

*   Equipment delivered Western Europe

*   Urea capacity 500 000 tpy

*   Investment

     Standard Urea Plant:  350 mill USD

     EP Urea Plant:             160 mill USD


*   Operational Costs

     Standard Urea Plant:  158 USD/t

     EP Urea Plant:             110 USD/t


*   Financial costs

     Financial costs:            112 USD/t

     EP Financial costs:           54 USD/t


*   Total Costs

     Total:                      270 USD/t

     EP Total:                170 USD/t


Current Status

*   Initial laboratory tests conducted

*   Theoretical process calculations conducted

*   EP is seeking partners to develop the process

*   The process has the potential to revolutionize the hydrogen, ammonia and fertilizer production

*   Short way to full scale process


Algae Cultivation and stream-line products production


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