waste scrap recycling aqsiq license

Scrap materials supplier enterprises aqsiq license registration application
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) has decided, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, to adopt provisional administrative measures on registration of overseas supplier enterprises exporting scrap materials to Mainland China (hereinafter referred to as "supplier enterprises") with a view to strengthening the supervision and administration of imported scrap materials, protecting environmental sanitation, people's health, and ensuring the safety of industrial and agricultural production in China. The requirements for the provisional registration of supplier enterprises are as follows:
AQSIQ will accept the application for provisional registration of supplier enterprises from January 1, 2004. From July 1, 2004, no scrap materials exported from the supplier enterprises not provisionally registered with AQSIQ shall be permitted to enter the territory of China, the inspection bodies accredited by AQSIQ shall not accept the application for inspection on and issue certificate for such scrap materials, and the inspection and quarantine authorities at the port of entry shall not accept the application for inspection on such scrap materials.
AQSIQ/CCIC Certificate service
China Recycling Inspection Service Co.,Ltd
Justin Xu
Skype: AQSIQ-Justin
Email: Recycling@aqsiqgov.com
Mob(Whatsapp): 86-13575798844
AQSIQ license/aqsiq certificate/aqsiq registration/aqsiq certification/China aqsiq service
Scrap materials supplier enterprises aqsiq license registration application
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) has decided, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, to adopt provisional administrative measures on registration of overseas supplier enterprises exporting scrap materials to Mainland China (hereinafter referred to as "supplier enterprises") with a view to strengthening the supervision and administration of imported scrap materials, protecting environmental sanitation, people's health, and ensuring the safety of industrial and agricultural production in China. The requirements for the provisional registration of supplier enterprises are as follows:
AQSIQ will accept the application for provisional registration of supplier enterprises from January 1, 2004. From July 1, 2004, no scrap materials exported from the supplier enterprises not provisionally registered with AQSIQ shall be permitted to enter the territory of China, the inspection bodies accredited by AQSIQ shall not accept the application for inspection on and issue certificate for such scrap materials, and the inspection and quarantine authorities at the port of entry shall not accept the application for inspection on such scrap materials.
AQSIQ/CCIC Certificate service
China Recycling Inspection Service Co.,Ltd
Justin Xu
Skype: AQSIQ-Justin
Email: Recycling@aqsiqgov.com
Mob(Whatsapp): 86-13575798844
AQSIQ license/aqsiq certificate/aqsiq registration/aqsiq certification/China aqsiq service
Scrap materials supplier enterprises aqsiq license registration application
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) has decided, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, to adopt provisional administrative measures on registration of overseas supplier enterprises exporting scrap materials to Mainland China (hereinafter referred to as "supplier enterprises") with a view to strengthening the supervision and administration of imported scrap materials, protecting environmental sanitation, people's health, and ensuring the safety of industrial and agricultural production in China. The requirements for the provisional registration of supplier enterprises are as follows:
AQSIQ will accept the application for provisional registration of supplier enterprises from January 1, 2004. From July 1, 2004, no scrap materials exported from the supplier enterprises not provisionally registered with AQSIQ shall be permitted to enter the territory of China, the inspection bodies accredited by AQSIQ shall not accept the application for inspection on and issue certificate for such scrap materials, and the inspection and quarantine authorities at the port of entry shall not accept the application for inspection on such scrap materials.
AQSIQ/CCIC Certificate service
China Recycling Inspection Service Co.,Ltd
Justin Xu
Skype: AQSIQ-Justin
Email: Recycling@aqsiqgov.com
Mob(Whatsapp): 86-13575798844
AQSIQ license/aqsiq certificate/aqsiq registration/aqsiq certification/China aqsiq service