泰山牌80l 低溫蒸汽蒸餾鍋 優質、節能的設計,加上簡易的操作程序,讓您輕鬆、有效的萃取植物中的精華(精油及純露和相關藥草)。在一鄉一特色的台灣新價值文化中,泰山牌80l 低溫蒸汽蒸餾鍋 幫助您把在地特有的花、草、樹、木等植物轉製成有經濟效益的消費性產品,更可以建立地方自有品牌。農會、社區、植物園、觀光景點、民宿都非常適用。 |
With top quality, energy saving design, and user-friendly controls, Taishan 80L Low-temperature Steam Distillation Still offers you an easy and efficient experience to extract the essence of plants (essential oils, hydrosols and related herbs). In the new cultural value of Taiwan, namely “One village, one feature”, Taishan 80L Low-temperature Steam Distillation Still helps you to turn the characteristic local herbs, trees and other plants into consumer products which are of high economic value, or even to build your very own private brand. It is suitable to use at village meets, communities, plant parks, scenic spots and local residences. |